Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Although not everything can be predicted, some problems and questions are likely to come upd fairly often. Therefore, we're providing this FAQ to hopefully answer some of your questions in advance.

Q: Next update when?

Garden of Venus is updated every 2-3 weeks following a "big update -> small update -> big update -> small update" cadence, with bigger updates usually taking 3 weeks and smaller updates usually taking 2 weeks. The first update after launch will be a small update.

Q: How do I get event XY?

Normally, you only need to clear the previous event for that girl, then either check the town map at various times of day (look out for her icon with an ! attached), or check her info page for a hint (Note: hint system isn't implemented yet at the time of writing, but the first few events are easy enough to find). Apart from Sarah's Day 1 events (the first of which is mandatory), there normally aren't any other special requirements for other events. Some events in the house may trigger automatically.

Q: How many girls are planned?

At least 10 main girls. More main girls and many additional sidegirls are possible, depending on the games' success.

Q: How many events will there be for each girl?

Really depends on various factors, especially the games' success. But for the time being, expect at least

  • 2 to 5 one-time events per main girl
  • at least 1 interactive repeatable sandbox lewd per main girl, which will also be upgraded with more options/animations over time
  • a few smaller repeatable sandbox options for some of the girls (depends on their popularity, among other things)
  • IF the game is successful, there might be significantly more scenes per main girl, as well as several sidegirls with at least 1 event each

Q: What are the main kinks/fetishes covered in Garden of Venus?

Apart from being a harem game: consensual Free Use, Exhibitionism and to a lesser degree Corruption. Listing all other tags the game will cover would be too much work, but expect many more standard/popular tags to also get covered as byproduct.

Q: What about pregnancy?

There are various challenges to pregnancy, even more so when the number of characters is high. Therefore, there are currently no plans to add pregnancy to Garden of Venus, sorry. You'll have to make do with Total Maidness! and possible future projects.

Q: Is there NTR/Sharing?

Answered on the frontpage, but the answer is No. And unlike in TM!, there probably won't be girl-on-girl content this time, either. This is meant to be a 'pure' harem game.

Q: What about femdom?

There will be some, but only a little, and there isn't any yet.
There's going to be at least 1 girl that's rather dominant by nature, but her femdom content will optional/avoidable.
Beyond that, no promises for now.

Q: I want to support you. Patreon or SubscribeStar?

If you don't mind, or at least don't mind much, and have access to one of SubStar's payment options, SubscribeStar would be our preference. We expect the majority to choose Patreon anyway, which is understandable in terms of convenience, but the more balanced the numbers would be between the sites, the more at ease we'd feel.

Q: The game crashes or doesn't load, what do I do?

If it crashes, we ideally need a screenshot of the error message and possibly the savegame.
If it crashes without a message or if you can't find your savegames, we need more details: The type of device (PC, Mac or Android device) and OS version, and what you did right before the crash.
If it just doesn't load or doesn't unzip, make sure to try re-downloading it at least once, to make sure the download didn't get corrupted.

Q: I'm on Mac and the game doesn't start, what do I do?

We don't have a Mac to test this, but this is a known issue with games based on Ren'Py.

One suggested work-around that worked for some is to copy the .app into the Applications folder, right-click -> Open it once and then it might work.

Another suggested solution is to run "chmod +x (filepath)" in the terminal on the files located in .app > Contents > MacOS.

Get Garden of Venus (Main Page)


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(1 edit) (+1)

I have a question that kind of is but also not necessarily related to this game.

I follow your OnionCuttingNinja account and I noticed that this is under OCNX Games. Should I/do I need to follow OCNX Games for news on game updates/game uploads or is it fine to follow one or the other?

(1 edit) (+2)

The transition is going to be a bit awkward, but once TM's development is over (which is going to be soon), any lewd projects will eventually be filed/listed under OCNX Games only.

Basically: If you only really care about the naughty games, following OCNX Games instead is the way to go in terms of news/updates.

As time goes on, the only reason to follow both would be if you're interested in SFW and "a bit suggestive, but not explicit" games as well, as these kind of projects may still get released under my old OnionCuttingNinja account.

Having both SFW and NSFW projects on the same account is both a bit awkward and could also eventually put the monetization of SFW games at risk, so I want to 'clean up' my old OCN account (in hindsight should've make this split 1-2 years ago, but oh well).
Besides, the older sfw games are entirely my work, while on TM and GoV, xtone has done some of the heavy lifting on the code side and contributed some writing here and there, so 'OCNX' is basically the team name for the main nsfw projects now.


I see, makes perfect sense! Thanks for the explanation!