Patreon/SubStar poll about next new girls

What's up folks!

Just wanted to inform you that there's a poll up at both SubscribeStar and Patreon that lets supporters decide in which order we're going to add the remaining main girls after update 0.2 (update 0.2 will add the 3rd girl from the evening school).

With "adding" obviously meaning a proper event and sandbox activities, as Lyn is technically already in the game, just with no real content.

If you'd like to influence the outcome... well, you get the idea ;)
And for the record, both the smaller 0.1.5 update for GoV as well as TM 0.26.2 are also available at the $1.50 tier by now, sooo... the poll wouldn't be the only benefit if you decided to support us for at least a month :)

Anyway, as a bit of a teaser, these are the poll options:

Get Garden of Venus (Main Page)

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